
Local News in Brief : Marineland Permit Sought


The Rancho Palos Verdes City Council has introduced an ordinance that permits the new owners of Marineland to begin demolishing some of the structures there.

John Corcoran, a representative of Monaghan Co., which bought Marineland from Harcourt Brace Jovanovich in May, asked for the ordinance Wednesday, telling the council that the abandoned buildings and empty tanks are an “attractive nuisance” that creates a liability problem.

Corcoran said there have been 43 arrests for trespassing on the property, and company officials fear someone will be hurt falling into one of the empty tanks. Corcoran said youths are skateboarding in empty tanks, and someone has attempted to climb the sky tower.


The ordinance, which could be adopted Nov. 18, would become effective Dec. 17.

Monaghan officials intend to immediately apply for a demolition permit from the city, rather than begin the process after the ordinance takes effect.

Monaghan wants to develop a resort hotel and conference center on the prime ocean-front land.

Targeted for demolition is the main building, containing two large fish and sea mammal tanks, the food service areas, the gift shop and the walrus exhibit. The sky tower will also be disassembled, Corcoran said, leaving the dolphin arena and several other buildings and structures.
