
Diamond Lanes for Freeways

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I would like very much to support Gov. George Deukmejian’s highway improvement program as outlined in his recent speech in Irvine. However, I can not support his program as long as the additional freeway lanes are required to be diamond lanes.

I realize that the governor must rely on information from those supposed to be expert on this subject. However, in this case he is being isolated from the facts. In all instances where diamond lanes have been added to freeways, accident rates increase, as with the Costa Mesa Freeway. Whereas, in all instances where mixed-flow lanes are added, accident rates decrease.

Unfortunately, the same people who are pushing this disaster on the citizens are also doing or controlling the comparative project analyses.


The citizens who use the freeway and must pay for these additional lanes are 87% opposed to the concept of restricted diamond lanes, according to a 15,000-response poll conducted by Assemblyman Nolan Frizzelle (R-Huntington Beach).

The California Department of Transportation and its reports on this subject are great examples of how to obscure and confuse facts. I pray that the governor will obtain expert, unbiased counsel in this matter so that the majority of Orange County citizens will be able to support his plan.


