
Light Rail in the Valley

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How is it that a light-rail system which could provide millions of people with traffic-free transportation could be sacrificed because a tiny number of people cannot put up with the small inconvenience of a silent trolley running close to their homes?

The rest of the Valley’s residents should not allow these people to keep us from getting an extremely useful light rail, which could save us from the terrible increase of traffic which is predicted.

It is impossible to stop growth, despite what some people might believe. With an increase in growth comes traffic. The San Fernando Valley just let the best proposal to alleviate traffic in our area be defeated by a minute number of people.


What is wrong with a Ventura Freeway line? Don’t 270,000 cars make a lot more noise than one noiseless trolley? Doesn’t Victory Boulevard already have a train running close to it? (It does in the Woodland Hills area.)

If the residents of this valley don’t act now, we will all regret the day we let those visionless homeowners ruin our city.


Woodland Hills
