
Man Who Claimed He Aided Baby Faces Murder Trial

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A Pacoima man was ordered Tuesday to stand trial for murder and child endangering in connection with the death of his girlfriend’s 10-month-old foster son.

Don Marvin Brown, 30, will be tried in Van Nuys Superior Court on charges of murdering Brandon Courtney Fields in the Sylmar apartment of Brown’s girlfriend, Debra Hodges, 31. Brown pleaded not guilty earlier in Municipal Court.

Police and paramedics were called to Hodges’ apartment Sept. 30. Brown has said he found the child not breathing and that his only contact with the boy was an unsuccessful attempt to revive him, Deputy Dist. Atty. Edward Nison said.


Authorities first thought the death might have been caused by sudden infant death syndrome, Detective Mike Houcher said. But an autopsy later revealed that the infant’s internal organs were bruised by what the coroner called “deliberate blows” that were too severe to have been caused by attempts at resuscitation.

However, authorities have not established a motive and have no physical evidence implicating Brown, who has no record of violent behavior.

Nison said Hodges is not a suspect. He said there are no indications that the baby was abused before the injuries that led to his death.


Deputy Public Defender Peter Krupinsky, who is representing Brown, could not be reached for comment Tuesday.

The baby and his 4-year-old sister were placed in Hodges’ custody in March because their natural mother is a drug addict, Nison said.

He said the death occurred shortly after Hodges left the children alone with Brown for about four hours while she ran errands. Shortly after she returned, Brown and Hodges’ natural son, Rod, 9, went to the baby’s room and found him dead. Brown later said he knew the baby had died several hours earlier, Nison said.


Van Nuys Municipal Judge Beauford M. Phelps ordered Brown arraigned in Superior Court Jan. 5. Brown is being held without bail in County Jail.
