
Local News in Brief : Traffic Measures OKd


Reverse flow lanes and additional traffic control officers downtown were among the recommendations approved Tuesday by the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors in an effort to ease traffic jams.

The board called for staggered and double shifts for public employees, expanded ride-sharing programs and the use of synchronized traffic signals. Restrictions on truck delivery hours and routes, and stepped-up enforcement of parking and stopping restrictions were also recommended.

Reverse flow lanes, in which three lanes of a four-lane street are allowed to flow in one direction, should also be considered on downtown streets in an effort to make it easier for incoming commuters in the morning rush hours and outbound commuters who are leaving work, supervisors said.


The county plan is similar to measures that were used during the 1984 Olympics and those proposed by the City of Los Angeles, which would have to approve them before they could take effect.
