
Couple Huddle in Hull of Capsized Boat Until Rescue

Associated Press

A Northern California couple whose trimaran overturned in stormy weather three days ago were plucked from waters off San Diego by a Coast Guard helicopter early today, .

Joe and Jan Dejulius of Marin County survived the more than 60-hour ordeal by crawling inside one of the trimaran’s hulls, said Coast Guard spokesman Petty Officer Leo Kay. They had been bound for Catalina and were blown off course.

“They’ve been in the water since Sunday. They’ve done an exceptional job of saving themselves,” Kay said. “They accessed a hull in the overturned vessel and were able to stay warm inside and protect themselves from the elements.”


Kay said an emergency signal was picked up that allowed authorities to pinpoint the location of the disabled boat, named the Atlannta, 160 miles west-southwest of San Diego.

A Coast Guard Falcon jet spotted the two clinging to their boat this morning.
