
Blaming Trucks for Congestion

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Truck drivers in particular and the trucking industry in general are being unfairly blamed for our crowded freeways and surface streets.

My calculations on the road space taken by trucks show that each truck takes the space of three cars, not 10 as Judy Williams suggests. And, the success of the Olympic Traffic Plan was the result of many governmental agencies, private businesses and industries and the motoring public working together. The restriction on trucks was a smart part of the overall plan to prevent severe traffic congestion.

Transportation experts are convinced that car pooling is a partial solution to the ever-increasing volume of traffic. If Williams is sincere in her desire to do something about the situation, she should use her influence as an “administrator for a small company” to initiate car pooling for other disgruntled motorists, especially those who drive alone.


Williams should “shake a fist” at those who are responsible for the situation she finds herself in each day--the lone commuter. But only if she has a passenger in her car.


Capistrano Beach
