
Harriett Wieder and Her Record of Service


As a longtime resident of Huntington Beach, I’m offended by the vicious attacks a few vindictive individuals have launched against Supervisor Harriett Wieder.

How soon some people forget the significant contributions this dedicated public servant has made to our city, as well as to the entire county, over the last 15 years.

I’m not a personal friend of Wieder, and I’m certainly not a confidant. But I do know that on those occasions I needed to communicate with her she was always accessible and open. And when she made a commitment, Wieder proved to be a woman of her word.


Sure, she was wrong in not purging her resume of that college degree long before now. She has admitted that publicly and has apologized. I, for one, accept her apology.

After all, how many of us, including her detractors, could withstand the scrutiny she has undergone over the years? More important, how many have contributed as much to the public betterment as Wieder?


Huntington Beach
