
Boston’s Pixies--Wall of Confusion


One of the Pixies’ most accessible songs is called “Where Is My Mind?” It’s a question that occurred to more than a few people at the Boston group’s show at the Roxy on Friday.

In a performance lasting less than an hour, the Pixies attempted to combine the jerky physical and aural motion of performance rock, classic pop riffs, and punk’s anger and speed. It’s a noble idea (and one that their mentors the Throwing Muses have perfected), but the Pixies are simply not up to the task.

The set seemed designed to generate confusion, and the band appeared undecided whether they were attempting to evoke alienation or closeness. They began by distancing themselves with four virtually atonal songs before closing the gap with the engaging “Bone Machine” and the galloping guitars of “I’m Amazed.”


But just as the show began to jell, the Pixies shoved off again, this time into the over-charted waters of Laurie Anderson imitations. Switching emotions more often than guitars will keep an audience on its toes, but dancing on point is exhausting and irritating if the sole purpose is to prove it can be done.
