

Clipboard researched by Dallas Jamison and Rick VanderKnyff / Los Angeles Times. Graphics by Doris Shields / Los Angeles Times

The Times Orange County Poll indicates that although about one-fourth of residents think homelessness is a big problem in the county, differences emerge from a more detailed look at background. Older people and the less affluent are most likely to hold this view. Regional differences, though, are less distinct. This question was asked: “Recently there has been a lot of discussion about the homeless, such as people who live in motels, temporary housing and on the streets. How much of a problem is homelessness in Orange County?” Here are the results:

Big Somewhat of Small Not much/ Problem a Problem Problem No Problem TOTAL 27% 43% 21% 9% AGE 18-34 years 28 40 21 11 35-54 24 50 21 5 55 and older 32 37 20 11 HOUSEHOLD INCOME $60,000 and more 15 50 26 9 $40,000-$59,999 22 48 22 8 Less than $40,000 37 37 16 10 REGION* North County 29 45 17 9 South County 26 40 25 9

* The North-South regional demarcation point is the Costa Mesa Freeway.

Source: Times Orange County Poll
