
Yorba Linda’s Stake in School Annexation Plan


The annexation of the Yorba Linda School District to the Placentia Unified School District is the reality of a dream that many Yorba Linda citizens have had for many years.

In Carolyn Clark’s letter to the editor (Sept. 4), she attempts to focus the issue on finances, summing up her views by stating “Placentia Unified, of course, must be viewing the annexation of the Yorba Linda School District . . . as a solution to its population imbalance and the Yorba Linda School District reserves as a way to avoid deficit spending.” Clark obviously missed the target with her comments.

The issue is children and enhanced programs for the Yorba Linda School District--not the Yorba Linda reserve or population balancing.


The merger will provide significant program additions and more educational equality for the Yorba Linda students. For example, the middle school will be expanded from a six- to seven-period day, greatly improving the elective offerings. In addition, a counselor will be added to the middle school staff. Vocal and instrumental music programs will be added to the curriculum districtwide.

Other additions include a first-grade reading program which reduces class size, educational support including teacher instructional grants, K-6 science materials, technology programs and a magnet gifted program.

The joint community will benefit by merging two district administrations into one unit for more effective operations. The merger will not increase property taxes for the residents of either school district. The merger will allow more efficient utilization of existing staff, programs and resources.

I, too, am a resident of the Yorba Linda School District, and my children attended Yorba Linda schools. I view this as the opportunity that Yorba Linda citizens have been hoping for for many years--an opportunity that will improve an already-fine school system through the addition of programs that Placentia Unified students are experiencing in east Yorba Linda and Placentia.

Voters need to concentrate on the advantages to children--and not be confused by politically motivated issues.


Superintendent of Schools

Placentia Unified School District
