
STAY HUNGRY: Does the notion of rock...

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STAY HUNGRY: Does the notion of rock stars and finger-lickin’ home-cookin’ sound (ahem) mutually exclusive? In other words, it is hard for you to imagine Ozzy Osbourne sweating over a hot stove, preparing a sumptuous banquet--say cauliflower cheese, followed by lobster timbales and concluding with a generous helping of raspberry clafouti. Yum-yum, eat ‘em up, huh! Maybe rock stars don’t have much of a reputation as galloping gourmets. But Robin Le Mesurier and Peggy Sue Honeyman-Scott are out to change that with “Rock ‘n’ Roll Cuisine,” a delightful new book packed with nearly 100 exotic recipes.

Highlights include George Michael’s Yog Risotto, Don Henley’s Texas Chili (which offers a learned dissertation on the etymology of chili), Cher’s Boyfriend Approved Macaroni Salad, Julian Lennon’s Cinnamon Soup, Sting’s Fusilli & Zucchini, Mick Jagger’s Shrimp Curry, Stevie Nicks’ Fiesta Dip and (of course) Meat Loaf’s Meat Loaf. One thing you can say about today’s musicians--they haven’t lost their sense of humor. Several pop wags volunteered less-than-savory dishes (including Jools Holland’s Stag Beetle Sushi and Heartbreaker Stan Lynch’s Stan’s BBQ, Marital and Transmission Sauce) which the authors have marked with an “Inedible!” warning sticker. And Yoko Ono, bless her vapid heart, sent a recipe for Dream Soup (“Put a lot of sunshine in a large bowl, spice it up with a pinch of hope . . .”)

The best recipe? To each his own. But our nominee for best written recipe is Rod Stewart’s Hangover Sandwich, which Stewart describes as a “humble, albeit savory dish” for bleary revelers. After purchasing a loaf of whole wheat bread, two eggs (“in case one should go adrift”), butter and cooking oil, Stewart suggests: “Approach the stove from a westerly direction, making sure of one’s footing. With clean hands, set forth a match to the gas ring and stand back. In an orderly but brisk fashion, place the cooking utensil of your choice over the flame and without further ado, crack forth the egg into the pan. Notwithstanding any notable catastrophes, rescue the egg from the pan and place between two well buttered slices of bread, these having previously been administered with a goodly portion of ham. Add salt and pepper, find a quiet corner, a comfy chair, a morning journal and sober up.”
