
Local News in Brief : Vote on Clean Air Proposal Delayed


The executive committee of the Southern California Assn. of Governments voted unanimously Thursday for a 90-day delay in a key vote on a proposed clean air plan for the four-county South Coast Air Basin.

The 20-member board said it will extend the public comment period on the air quality management plan until Jan. 31. The action follows a ruling by the South Coast Air Quality Management District that its own environmental impact report on the air quality plan was flawed and that more time was needed for public comment.

The air quality management plan is a 20-year blueprint for bringing Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside and San Bernardino counties into compliance with federal clean air standards for a number of pollutants, including ozone and carbon monoxide.


The Southern California Assn. of Governments committee said it hoped that the AQMD board would agree to a joint meeting March 17 to vote on the plan after evaluating public comments as well as alternatives proposed by Southern California Edison Co. and the Western Oil and Gas Assn., which represents major oil companies.

Southern California Assn. of Governments Executive Director Mark Pisano said the “burden of proof” had shifted to the business interests to demonstrate, if they can, why their alternatives are better.
