
The presidents of the National Collegiate Athletic...


The presidents of the National Collegiate Athletic Assn. and of the organization’s Presidents Commission said they would recommend postponing the enactment of Proposal 42, the controversial proposal to tighten academic eligibility guidelines for freshmen athletes.

At the request of Georgetown University and the Southeastern Conference, a meeting was held Thursday to discuss “the wide range of academic, athletics and socio-economic concerns” arising from Proposal 42’s passage, the NCAA said in a statement. The NCAA Academic Requirements Committee “wanted no changes made in Proposition 48 (now in force),” the statement said, adding that “the majority of the Division I chief executive officers of the Presidents Commission concurred.”

Therefore, NCAA President Albert M. Witte and Martin Massengale, chairman of the Presidents Commission, “will recommend to the NCAA Council and the Division I membership of the Presidents Commission that legislation be introduced at the next convention to postpone any changes” until a study of Prop. 48 is completed.
