
Those Wild and Wonderful Sportscasters

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The point about TV sportcasters in Los Angeles is not whether the new, yuppie wiseguys are better or worse than the old-style, straight-news types: It’s that all the sportscasters are inconceivably bad (“Send In the Clowns” by Steve Weinstein, Jan. 22).

The Jim Hill/Stu Nahan types are dull, and they indulge in ex-jock cronyism with endless marshmallow interviews with their buddies. Plus they never ask the tough questions.

The yuppie wiseguys such as Fred Roggin and Keith Olbermann never ask the tough questions either. Instead we get bad jokes and, in Olbermann’s case, a snide, ugly, superior attitude we all remember from our undergraduate days.


Roggin is basically a Roy Firestone clone with his interminable “humorous” video clips.

Yet none of these guys presents a threat to local TV news departments. Their clowning is harmless, because nobody takes L.A.’s happy-news, personality-driven news teams seriously anyway.


Los Angeles
