
‘Challenge to Prop. 13’

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The Times call for the dismantlement of Prop. 13 is most unfortunate. This law has saved uncounted thousands of families from losing their homes due to huge property tax increases. Under its provisions, if you can afford a home when you buy it, you should be able to afford it for as long as you choose to live in it. Is this unfair?

What would be unfair would be to return to a system where increases in a home’s market value result in large tax increases. Taxing people on the basis of “paper profits,” whose benefits they will not reap for years, is inherently unfair. Would The Times likewise insist on increasing my mortgage payments as the value of my property increases?

Prop. 13 isn’t perfect, of course--The Times mentioned the possibility of eliminating the benefits for commercial property. But the rest of the law is well justified, and The Times should be ashamed for calling for its demise.



Harbor City
