
Cats in Cairo

“Cat’s Meow Drives Cairo to Distraction” (Part I, Jan. 24)--a most interesting article--but with a little misinformation.

Cats may not be held in the same high regard today as they were once by some Egyptians, but Egyptians who own pets are pet lovers. Just ask any camel, dog or cat. Numerous shops in the bazaar of Cairo have their own cat--and they are well-groomed and fat.

Along the Nile, horse-drawn carriages all have clover for the horses. Every camel, every animal of the field, all are well-fed, washed daily and all are considered a member of the family.


As for the “kitten on the keys” who disrupted the piano recital. I read this portion of your report to my own cat, an Abyssinian (who thinks she is descended from early Egyptian cats--a fact yet to be verified) and she reminded me that centuries ago many Egyptians believed in reincarnation. Many of those who left their first life returned--and in many cases--returned as a cat.

The kitten at the piano recital was not a stray intruder--not a prowler in the night. That kitten, as my cat reminded me, was probably a music critic in its former life.

Martin Bernheimer, take note!


Los Angeles
