
Gang Member Who Escaped From Jail Turns Himself In

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Crips gang member Eric Wright, 18, who escaped from the overcrowded 77th Street police station jail last weekend, turned himself in Saturday, police said. Buford Bates, 24, a fellow Crips member who also escaped with Wright, was still at large.

A third prisoner, Thurston Price, 27, who also escaped over the weekend, was captured Monday. Police said Price, who had been arrested on suspicion of burglary, was not a gang member.

Wright and Bates were arrested March 3 in the first joint operation by the FBI and the Police Department to crack down on drug trafficking by Los Angeles gangs. The two gang members were arrested in connection with a Jan. 30 robbery and kidnaping in which they allegedly stole 11 guns--including a MAC-10 assault rifle--from man they allegedly kidnaped, police said. Both were booked on robbery and kidnaping charges.
