
HIGH LIFE A WEEKLY FORUM FOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS : Favored Personas Named for Going Back to the Future

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In the movie “Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure,” two teen-age time travelers bring back some of the world’s most famous figures to help them with their oral history project.

Although Bill and Ted didn’t actually change places with Napoleon, Abraham Lincoln, Socrates or Joan of Arc, Hot Topics wonders: “If you could be a historical person, whom would you choose and why?”

“Winston Churchill, because he stood up for his country and defended it with honor and integrity.”


Jim Tuffley, 18,

senior, Brea-Olinda

“Albert Einstein, because he’s my idol. He was humble, and he revolutionized physical science.”

Lydia Bierer, 18,

senior, Cypress

“Juliette Gordon Low, the founder of Girl Scouting, because she started an organization that changed thousands of people’s lives.”

Karin Stein, 18,

senior, Cypress

“Amelia Earhart, because my goal is to be a female pilot.”

Shauna Mullen, 16,

junior, Esperanza

“John Lennon, because he made a difference in the world.”

Lisa Boyer, 17,

junior, Esperanza

“Eve, because she was the most important woman in the history of the world.”

Jenny Najarian, 17,

senior, Estancia

“Martin Luther King Jr., because he tried to change the world and make the lives of millions of humans better.”


Chris De La Torre, 17,

senior, Estancia

“Laura Ingalls Wilder, because the way she lived sounds fun.”

Gloria Wu, 17,

senior, Foothill

“Mark Twain, because he lived and loved life so well.”

Rob Kelley, 17,

senior, Foothill

“Sir Isaac Newton, because he was great in math, and I also like the title ‘Sir.’ ”

Pat Edee, 16,

sophomore, Fullerton

“Franklin D. Roosevelt, so that I could do everything he did not do, and nothing he did do as President.”

David Berryman, 15,

sophomore, Heritage

“Benito Mussolini, because I like both power and Italian food.”

Mike Pinnow, 17,

senior, Laguna Hills

“God, because he never changes and he’s done so much for me.”

Howard Song, 18,

senior, Laguna Hills

“Thomas Jefferson, because he was a well-rounded person.”

Heather Sullivan, 18,

senior, Marina

“Harriet Tubman, because she worked so hard to help people.”

Diana Costner, 17,

senior, Marina

“Galileo, because he made so many important discoveries.”

Ron Mallory, 16,

sophomore, Marina

“MacArthur, because he was a great military leader.”

Mike Kushnick, 15,

sophomore, Mission Viejo

“Gandhi, because he stuck up for peoples’ rights and knew just what they wanted.”

Art Daza, 15,

freshman, Mission Viejo

“Elizabeth Barrett Browning, because her relationship with Robert was so romantic. I love the romance in their letters.”

Staci Wilson, 16,

junior, Trabuco Hills

“Albert Einstein; although he was bad in school, he was really a genius and made out well in the world.”


Kristin Nakazawa, 16,

junior, Trabuco Hills

“Davy Crockett, because he fought for his country.”

Malissa Maznet, 17,

senior, Tustin

“Christopher Columbus, because he discovered America.”

Scott Casey, 18,

senior, Tustin

“John F. Kennedy, just because of his enthusiasm and love for America. Any man who’s able to start a space program and the Peace Corps and still be adored 25 years after his death is truly a great man.”

Vernon Galvin, 18,

senior, Valencia

“Marilyn Monroe, because even though she’s dead, everyone loves her.”

Jia-Annu Yuh, 14,

sophomore, Western

“Abe Lincoln, because he was able to free all the slaves.”

Craig Cronin, 15,

sophomore, Woodbridge

“Henry David Thoreau, because he was the ultimate nonconformist.”

Frank Rodgers, 17,

senior, Woodbridge

Next Week’s Hot Topic:

Surveys have shown that playing the lottery and other types of gambling are common among high school students. Have you ever wagered money, and if so, on what?

Hot Topic responses gathered by Joanna Brooks, Angela Conner, John Doney, Rebecca Evans, Stephanie Jeffers, Jenny Kaplan, Lynda Kim, Kyra Kirkwood, Joo Young Lee, Stephan Lee, Jason Loeb, Heather Orey, Hai Pham, Gabriel Saldivar, Janet Stouder, Jana Swail and Edward White
