
Flexing Their Wealth

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The questions in Sam Hall Kaplan’s “Whose Pasadena Is It, Anyway” (Feb. 26) are being asked not only in Pasadena, but in Burbank and my community as well. The answers are clear. Established homeowner groups are flexing their wealth and promoting a hidden agenda.

For them it’s not the apartments that are really the problem, it’s the people who live in them.

In Glendale, where there is no architectural integrity to lose, the true position of hillside homeowners is obvious. In its sophistication, the Pasadena example is even more heinous. The “citizen group” proposals will permit development in certain neighborhoods because de facto segregation is so well-established there, the dreaded apartment dwellers can be contained.


Before being given the only set of keys to a city’s political process, homeowner groups must respond to the worsening racial and economic polarization which occurs following their self-serving growth policies.


