
Los Angeles Election


On Los Angeles Election Day, four of us slaved away for 13 hours at a polling place here in Cheviot Hills to achieve about 50% vote from our local citizens. But in many areas turnout amounted to only 15% or 25% of the registered voters.

As a result, Mayor Tom Bradley, Council members Joy Picus, Zev Yaroslavsky, Michael Woo, Joan Flores, Marvin Braude, et al were reelected. Yes, it seems that incumbents have the advantages, almost insurmountable, to achieve reelection as mayor, council member, governor, senator, representative, et al in local, statewide, and national elections.

Yes, they have the backing of “emotionally informed” voters. They have financial backing--salaries, perks, “dis-honorariums,” campaign donations; bureaucratic backing and yes, incumbents enjoy almost “monopoly” backing from the media in the political process in the liberal camps for almost sure-fire reelection!



Cheviot Hills
