
Downey : Resignations Asked of Design Review Board

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The Downey City Council decided Tuesday to ask for the resignations of the six-member Design Review Board. The council may reappoint the current members or select new applicants to fill the vacancies by the next meeting in May.

The call for the resignations came after some discussion and confusion about the qualifications of new applicants. Some of the professional landscape and architectural engineers being sought by the city are not Downey residents.

The city mailed 250 letters to prospective candidates. Councilman Randy Barb said that to get the best professionals on the board, the city had to look beyond its borders for applicants.


One person complained about a lack of publicity for the vacancies, saying residents were not given enough opportunity to apply.

Barb said the positions are nonpolitical and nonpartisan, so that where the members work or live is not an issue. But Councilman Roy Paul said that decision is not in the best interest of the city.

In addition to the architects on the board, other members would include a building contractor, a civil engineer, a commercial or retail business owner and a resident.
