
‘Paternalistic’ Letter Spurs Reply

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I take exception to Jesse L. Robinson’s paternalistic attitude to the Latino community (“No ‘Guarantees’ in Council Election,” Times, April 13). I have lived in Compton for over 30 years and have seen its transformation from white to black. Now a huge furor--and “blacklash”--is developing over Latinos wanting a piece of the sweet potato pie. Robinson says that “(City Council candidate) Martin D. Chavez’s master’s degree is not a prerequisite for election to the Compton City Council.” Let me tell you, it’s a better alternative than ignorance. I am not for any one color whether it be black, brown, red, yellow or puce. I am, however, against ignorance and race-baiting.

One of the incumbent candidates was heard to say that if they (Latinos) don’t like it here, they should go elsewhere. In the ‘60s, conservative (read: incumbent, ensconced, don’t bug me) America told those who wanted to change America for the better--”America: love it or leave it.” But now it’s become, “Compton: love it or leave it.” And, I guess, the proper response would be: “Compton: change it or lose it.”

Robinson labels as “crazy” the projected 38.8% Latino population figure from the National Planning Data Corp. because he does not know where the housing would come from. Robinson is definitely no authority on housing. Whites sold out to the blacks, and blacks are selling out to the Latinos.


I know Chavez as a competent young professional who would infuse the Compton City Council with a spirit of honesty, decency and respect for good, clean hard work. I have seen Compton used and abused time and again. Robinson says “Compton has paid for (Councilman Robert L.) Adams’ education.” And how! The city is still paying for it--through the nose. How much did the city (read: local taxpayers) lose on the Compton Auto Plaza? How much did the city sink into the Compton Lazben Hotel and it still hasn’t had one paying guest?

Chavez, and other rising Latino stars like him, may not now have the votes or money, but they will. Just give them time.

It’s plain to see that Robinson does not have a handle on the numbers, nor quality, of the city and school district employees, since he said he “hopes” that the city of Compton and the Compton Unified School District are hiring the most qualified people regardless of race, creed or color. If the city and school district were hiring the best qualified employees it would stand to reason that the city of Compton would be the best-run city in America, and the school district would have test scores and student achievement that would rank it as No. 1. This, however, is not the case.


I know some people are uneasy because of the increasing number of Latinos in the city, but in the ‘50s, whites were uneasy about the blacks coming into the city, too. I know, also, that those in power (city and school district) don’t like people to make waves.

Robinson and others like him must realize that the only constant in life is change, and the sooner the powers-that-be in the city and school district begin incorporating Latinos into their future design, the better city government and the schools will serve their customers--the people who reside here and the students who attend the schools even if they speak black English with a Spanish accent.


