
San Diego

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Police are investigating the vandalism of a Del Cerro home in which a large swastika and other profanities were scrawled in red lipstick on the home’s driveway over the weekend.

The front yard of Mona Ginsberg’s home, in the 6400 block of Brynwood Way, was also strewn with toilet paper and sprayed with shaving cream, police spokesman Bill Robinson said.

Vandals struck sometime between 10:30 p.m. Saturday, when Ginsberg went to sleep, and 6 a.m. Sunday, when she awoke and discovered the damage, Robinson said.


Ginsberg, 59, who lives in the home with her husband, discovered the 18-inch swastika and the other profanities when she walked near the driveway, Robinson said. The Ginsbergs had not received any threats, Robinson said.

“She was shocked,” Robinson said.

The incident is being treated as vandalism and a hate crime, Robinson said.

The incident marks the second time an anti-Semitic act has been reported to police in less than a month. A Molotov cocktail was lobbed at the office of the San Diego Jewish Times in Fletcher Hills last month. The firebomb hit protective bars on the office’s front window and ignited a small fire.
