
MOVIES - June 5, 1989

<i> Arts and entertainment reports from The Times, national and international news services and the nation's press</i>

This year’s top Academy Award winners, Dustin Hoffman and Jodie Foster, now have “Davids” to go along with their Oscars for best actor and actress. Each won in the Italian version of the Academy Awards held in Rome on Saturday night. Hoffman was named for his role in “Rain Man,” the film by Berry Levinson that also won best foreign film. Foster won for “The Accused.” Both got Academy Awards in April for the same films. Ermanno Olmi was named best director and his film, “La Leggenda del Santo Bevitore” (“The Legend of the Holy Drinker”) won the David of Donatello award for best film. Roberto Benigni won best actor in an Italian film for his role in “Il Piccolo Diavolo” (“The Little Devil”), and Stefania Sandrell was named best actress in “Mignon E’ Partita” (“Mignon Has Left”). In the foreign film category, former Monty Python star John Cleese won best original screenplay for “A Fish Called Wanda,” and Pedro Almodovar of Spain was named best director for his “Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown.”
