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Most people have special places they go to in order to try and meet their special someones. Perhaps it’s a party or an amusement park. A shopping mall or lifeguard station. Some locations, however, are more successful than others.

Hot Topics wonders: “What is the hottest spot for meeting girls or guys?”

“The beach, because the girls lie out and you can check them out and stuff.”

Ross Braden, 14,

freshman, Brea-Olinda

“The beach. I’m serious!”

Brad Darling, 15,

junior, Brea-Olinda

“Right here in Newport Beach, because most of the hot chicks are out here, and they all have rad tans and look awesome.”

John Goro, 17,

senior, Brea-Olinda

“The beach, because there are so many girls, and they’re so good looking and have tans.”

Cubby Kelly, 14,

freshman, Brea-Olinda

“Huntington Beach, and Balboa at night, because the good-looking girls all seem to live there.”


Aaron Smith, 16,

junior, Brea-Olinda

“The beach. Probably Newport or San Onofre is the best, because there are a lot of girls, and the surf at Onofre is good.”

Chad Hoffman, 16,

junior, Canyon

“The beach, because there’s a lot of (girls) there.”

Devon Wainwright, 17,

senior, Canyon

“I wish I knew.”

Shane Ronetz, 16,

senior, Costa Mesa

“Newport, because I’m too lazy to ride (my bike) to Huntington.”

David Hoch, 16,

junior, El Camino Real

“The beach--Newport at 32nd Street--because all the surfers are here.”

Robyn Haines, 14,

freshman, El Modena

“The beach or the movies, because movies are a gathering (place) where all your friends are, and you can meet new people.”

Mayumi Neeld, 14,

freshman, El Modena

“Disneyland, because it’s a fun place to go and there are a lot of people there.”

Dina Tasso, 14,

freshman, El Modena

“I go dancing at Club Post-nuclear in Newport Beach, because they have an older crowd there.”


Lelah Rogers, 16,

senior, El Toro

“The (Balboa) Fun Zone, because everyone’s down there. Also, the beach, because everyone cruises down here and talks to everyone else.”

Carrie Cameron, 16,

junior, Foothill

“Knott’s Berry Farm, because a lot of girls like to go dance there, so I meet them all at Cloud 9. The beach is good too.”

Jason Foxe, 14,

freshman, Foothill

“Parties (during the school year), because that’s where all your friends are.”

Jennie George, 16,

junior, Foothill

“Del Taco, because that’s our school hangout.”

Milo Grecian, 16,

junior, Foothill

“The beach and work, depending upon where you work.”

Ben Lee, 17,

senior, Fountain Valley

“The beach, because a lot of the guys go here.”

Jennifer Lemke, 15,

freshman, Fullerton

“The beach. Different people go here--surfers, skaters and stuff--and you can meet a lot of guys at the beach.”


Nicole Paneque, 14,

freshman, Fullerton

“Right here at the beach, because I like watching the guys and their awesome bodies.”

Nicole Bell, 14,

freshman, Irvine

“The beach, because there are a lot of girls in bikinis.”

Mike Dhaliwal, 14,

freshman, Irvine

“The beach, because I like surfers.”

Cheryl Hancock, 14,

freshman, Irvine

“The beach, because there are lots of girls around. If there weren’t girls, after all, how would I meet them?”

Brian Lenahan, 14,

freshman, Irvine

“The beach, because the girls all come to lay out and scam.”

Wayne Mascotti, 16,

sophomore, Irvine

“Knott’s Berry Farm or Zzapp (dance club), because there are a lot of young people there.”

Richard Hughs, 14,

freshman, Katella

“Zzapp, because there are a lot of people there to meet.”

Jason Akiyama, 14,

freshman, Magnolia

“School, because that’s where you’re always at. The beach too, because you can meet people from other schools.”

Parker Gregg, 14,

freshman, Mater Dei

“The beach, because that’s where all the girls are.”

Ray Hubert, 16,

junior, Newport Harbor

“Knott’s, I guess, because that’s why everyone goes there--to dance, have fun and meet people.”

Barbara Chase, 15,

junior, Orange

“The beach, because it’s where most people go during the summer. During the rest of the year, I’d say parties.”

Matt Maresh, 16,

junior, Orange

“Newport and Huntington Beach, because guys come to surf and there are a lot of them here.”

Tiffany Hawkins, 15,

freshman, Saddleback

“Amusement parks, like Magic Mountain, because there’s a lot of people there, so there’s a lot better chance of meeting someone you’d like.”


Jon Martin, 14,

freshman, Saddleback

“Concerts, like The Cure, because there are a lot of fans there, and a lot of people like The Cure.”

Mike Otto, 15,

freshman, Saddleback

“The beach, because the girls come out to get tan.”

Marvin Peralta, 16,

junior, Saddleback

“Balboa Fun Zone is the best place to meet guys because everyone goes there on Friday and Saturday nights.”

Kerrie Andrews, 15,

sophomore, Sonora

“Knott’s, because a lot of people are there. I go every other Saturday.”

Richard Hernandez, 15,

sophomore, Sonora

“Knott’s, because all kind of people go there, from everywhere.”

Freddy Martinez, 15,

sophomore, Sonora

“The beach, because there are a lot of awesome guys around, surfing and playing volleyball.”

Karey Van Delden, 15,

sophomore, Sonora

“Brea Mall, because there are a lot of guys there.”

Sandra Bergan, 13,

freshman, Troy

“Here at the beach, because that’s where the girls come.”

Kyle Martin, 16,

junior, Troy

“At the beach--Newport 32--because there are a lot of guys surfing and stuff.”

Jennifer Martin, 14,

freshman, Troy

“The Under 21 Club in Costa Mesa, because there a lot of people there.”

Scott Stirnaman, 17,

junior, Tustin

“The beach, because you can meet a lot of people here who come during the summer. All the schools come here, not just one.”

Jeff Stephenson, 15,

freshman, Villa Park

Next Week’s Hot Topic:

What is your favorite restaurant? Why?

Hot Topic responses were gathered by Monica Neal at Newport Beach.
