
Problems With Cable System


I was shocked to read in your June 22 article about cable services that American Cablesystems (a.k.a. Continental Cablevision) is “a pretty well-managed system.” Not judging by my experiences.

Because of the gross incompetence of their billing and mailing departments and the inability of their representatives to solve problems, I have been inconvenienced, humiliated and forced to spend weeks of my time trying to clear up their mistakes.

After claiming that I owed the company $22 for my March service, the supervisor insisted the bank statement I sent was not proof enough that my bill was paid and demanded that I write to New York for my original canceled check. In the 10 days this took, I received a threatening letter from the cable company, my service was turned off and a credit company came for my equipment.


Fifteen calls later, I thought the problem was solved but received a new bill claiming I owed three months’ service charge. It took another five calls for my checks to magically appear. One of the representatives I spoke with claimed, confidentially, that such problems were typical and the main reason the phones were busy 75% of the time I called.

I wish I could subscribe to another service, but American Cablesystems is the only company in my area. I can’t help but feel that if there was more competition among cable companies, such appalling service would never be tolerated by the consumer.

I think I’ll give up and get a VCR.


West Los Angeles
