
$1.2 Million OKd for New Floral Center

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Times Staff Writer

The California Coastal Conservancy has agreed to give a $1.2-million grant to the Carltas Co. of Carlsbad to establish an international floral trade center.

Conservancy members voted 5-1 Friday to permit Carltas, a subsidiary of the Paul Ecke Poinsettia Ranch, to finance the center with money that has accrued in the Carlsbad Agricultural Improvements Fund.

The fund, established in 1981, consists of fees paid by developers in exchange for converting agricultural lands in the Carlsbad area to other uses. The money in the fund must be used for the benefit of local agriculture, and disbursements are overseen by the Coastal Conservancy.


Conservancy spokesman David Hayes said the dissenting vote was cast by Marcus Powers of Los Angeles. Hayes said Powers voiced concern that the grant money was going to benefit a private entity, the Carltas Co., and could be construed as subsidizing the private sector.

John White, associate manager of Carltas Co., said $700,000 of the grant money will be used for renovation of the vacant Burroughs plant on Avenida Encina, which Carltas has already purchased. The rest of the money will be used to provide rent subsidies to flower growers for the first 10 years of the center’s operation, to lure the tenants needed to make the project a success.

As planned, the trade center will provide a central clearinghouse for North County’s floriculture business. The centralized marketing, sales and distribution services that will be available are expected to increase convenience and profit for the growers, wholesalers and others in the flower business, according to a report prepared by principal Carlsbad planner Gary Wayne.


Carltas Co. tentatively plans to move the first tenants into the building and open the trade center for business Nov. 1, White said.
