
Showed Birth at Sea World : TV Ad Starring Kandu, Baby Shamu Is Halted


Sea World has pulled a television ad featuring Baby Shamu and Kandu swimming together, Dan LeBlanc, the park’s public relations director, said Thursday.

The ad showed the birth of Baby Shamu during a performance at the marine park last year by her mother, killer whale Kandu. Kandu died Monday in a freak accident after ramming Corky, a killer whale who performs under the name Shamu.

Kandu Attacked Corky

Kandu, who was about 14 years old and weighed 4,600 pounds, attacked Corky, who is said to be in her middle to late 20s and weighs 7,000 pounds.


Sea World officials said Kandu died of hemorrhaging of major arteries. The injuries came when she attacked Corky with her mouth open. The impact fractured her upper jaw, causing fatal bleeding in the whale’s nasal passages.

Often-Aired Commercial

The ad showing the birth of Baby Shamu had probably been the most prominent one used by the park for the summer season. The ad’s theme suggested “a new beginning” at the park.

According to LeBlanc, the ad was pulled the day of the accident. However, two independent television stations in Los Angeles said they were still running the ad and had not received orders to pull it.

Kandu’s death has not affected attendance at the marine park, LeBlanc said, adding that the attraction has “received literally thousands of phone calls” and flowers from animal lovers grieving over Kandu’s death.
