
Major league baseball has threatened to sue...

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Major league baseball has threatened to sue organizers of a proposed new league and the players’ union if an attempt is made to sign non-free agents.

In a set of letters to the new league’s organizers and the Major League Baseball Players Assn., major league baseball said, “Clubs will seek all appropriate injunctive and monetary relief against any person or entity involved in inducing a player to breach his contract.”

Barry Rona, head of the owners’ Player Relations Committee, wrote the letters to Donald Fehr, executive director of the union, and to Richard Moss and David Lefevre, organizers of The Baseball League. Copies of the letters were obtained by the Associated Press.


The Baseball League is attempting to field eight teams for the 1990 season. It would be the first league to challenge the National and American Leagues since the Federal League in 1915.
