
Gay Pride Flag Upsets Ex-Resident

According to the L.A. Times Westside section (Sept. 7), an estimated 35% of the population of West Hollywood is gay. Why then is the city government reluctant to represent the other 65% of the citizens? The city of West Hollywood continues to discriminate against the majority of the people in that city. I am referring to the fact that since June, 1986, the Gay Pride flag has been imposed upon the residents whether they like it or not.

Evidently, both Councilman Steve Schulte and City Manager Paul Brotzman refuse to address the matter, since I brought it to their attention over three years ago. I see the erection of the gay flag as symbolically capturing the city for gays. It flies 24 hours a day over the city, quietly proclaiming the true wish of gay rights activists, which is to subjugate the whole of the city to their will and life style--including the Sheriff’s Department.

ROBERT ROMO, Palmdale ( Romo was born in West Hollywood and was a resident for 38 years. )
