
Compton : Recall Campaign Stalls as Mayor Softens His Stance

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A recall movement against Compton Mayor Walter R. Tucker has stalled now that the mayor scheduled a meeting with its leaders and with representatives of the police and firefighter unions.

Police and firefighters threatened to work against Tucker after he suggested the city, caught in a severe budget crunch that cost about 100 employees their jobs in June and July, save money by contracting with Los Angeles County for public safety services.

Basil Kimbrew, a political consultant, set up a campaign committee to collect money for the recall and announced two weeks ago that he would serve Tucker with a recall notice at Tuesday’s council meeting. Kimbrew changed his mind, he said, because the mayor scheduled a meeting for 8 a.m. Friday at City Hall.


“It’s my understanding,” Kimbrew said, “that he’s kind of having second thoughts about going with the county.”

If the mayor backs away from his suggestion that the city dismantle its fire and police departments and use county services, Kimbrew said he would have no choice but to end the recall movement. “That does kind of take the thunder out,” Kimbrew said.
