
The comedy anthology series, whose humorous stories...

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The comedy anthology series, whose humorous stories deal with contemporary angst, returns to the local PBS station for its second season Sunday at 8 p.m. on Channel 28.

In “Hunger Chic,” Carrie Fisher and Griffin Dunne play a self-centered pair of yuppies coping with a strange series of incidents brought about by an unusual maid (Danitra Vance, formerly of “Saturday Night Live”).

Next Sunday’s installment casts Geena Davis as a seductive spy in “The Hit List.” On Nov. 12, Jean Stapleton plays the put-upon employee of tyrannnical Corey Feldman in “The Boss.”

New half-hour episodes of “Trying Times” will be followed at 8:30 p.m. Sunday by repeats from last season. The stories also can be seen from 10 to 11 p.m. on Tuesdays.
