
Pasadena : Job Preference Pact Studied

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The city’s First Source Agreement, an unusual proposal that would require developers and their building tenants--both commercial and residential--to interview Pasadena residents first for job openings, will be scrutinized by a subcommittee of the Board of Directors.

The idea for a subcommittee arose earlier this week after several board members balked at adopting the proposal. The agreement’s requirements for record-keeping and inspections by city officials might discourage developers from building in Pasadena, said Mayor William Thomson.

Similar concerns were expressed by the Pasadena Chamber of Commerce, which called the agreement punitive and questioned its constitutionality and legality.


The First Source Agreement previously applied to major projects in the city. It was modified and made part of the requirements for developers who qualify to build under the city’s restrictive growth management initiative. The initiative was passed by voters in March.
