
Issues in Newport-Mesa School Board Election

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School board elections. Yawn. At least that’s the way it has been in the past. But this year it’s a different story. This fall has seen one of the most hotly contested school board races in the entire history of the Newport-Mesa Unified School District.

From the beginning there has been a definite polarization of candidates into two distinct camps: those (who) maintain that parents pay for the schools and entrust their children to the schools for instruction, so schools should be held accountable to the parents, and those who believe that issues of education are “best left to the professionals on the staff.”

The real issue in this campaign is: Just who’s in charge? It has been said that “Education is the key to the future, and parents are the key to education.” Public education of our children is too important and too personal to leave in the hands of professionals exclusively. Parents can make their votes count on Nov. 7 by electing school board candidates who will re-establish the link between parents and schools.



Newport Beach
