
Weather to Cool


The weather should turn cooler this weekend, bringing to an end this week’s warm days and cool nights brought on by Santa Ana conditions, the National Weather Service predicted Friday.

“We’re looking for a weakening of the high pressure zone that in turn will give us a little bit cooler temperatures over the weekend and a return of patchy low clouds and fog, particularly on Saturday night,” said forecaster Frank Perdue. “Other than that, it’s a very unexciting weather pattern.”

Perdue said that, even in its weakened state, the high-pressure system will continue to keep all storm activity to the north. He said that is lucky, because when storms hit during particularly high tides, they often cause beachfront damage and erosion. During the next few days, tides will be well over 7 feet.


“If you got a storm surge it could be pretty hairy,” Perdue said.

San Diego’s official high temperature Friday, recorded at Lindbergh Field, was 82. The weather service predicted that today’s high at the beaches should be from 69 to 74 degrees. Sunday is expected to be even cooler, with a high temperature of 66 to 71. The temperature of the ocean will be near 61.
