
School District Expands Its Help Line to 818 Area

The Los Angeles Unified School District is expanding its “help line,” which offers recorded advice on such subjects as studies, drugs and AIDS.

“Listen & Learn: The Los Angeles Community Messenger” recently kicked off its second year by expanding services to the 818 area code. The help line includes about 80 taped messages, available in both English and Spanish, school officials said.

“We hope the changes and additions . . . will help increase the success of an already overwhelmingly successful project,” said School Supt. Leonard Britton.


The service received 70,000 calls in its first year, said Ria Parody, a district spokeswoman. The favorite topic was “Losing Weight Sensibly,” Parody said.

The program telephone numbers are (213) 250-4555 and (818) 548-9111 for English recordings, and (213) 250-4222 and (818) 548-9333 for Spanish.
