
SAN CLEMENTE : Interim Pomona Job Begun by Ex-Chief

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Kelson McDaniel, who was ousted as police chief in San Clemente in 1987 after officers complained about his management style, began work as interim police chief in Pomona last week, praising the attitude of officers he has met and insisting he has no instructions to fire anyone.

Pomona Mayor Donna Smith has said the city council, over her objections, fired the former police chief on Oct. 17 because he refused to fire a number of subordinates. Council members have denied that they have a “hit list,” but have made it clear that they would like to see some officers depart.

Acting City Administrator Tom Fee, who appointed McDaniel on Wednesday, said McDaniel “is highly qualified; he knows what he is doing and will provide our citizens with the level of police service they expect.”


McDaniel, 52, has more than 26 years in law enforcement, starting with the Newport Beach Police Department where he spent 17 years and rose to the rank of lieutenant. He served more than six years as police chief in Los Alamitos and then 18 months as chief in San Clemente.

McDaniel said he lost his job in San Clemente despite receiving superior evaluations from his city manager after police officers issued a vote of no confidence. The officers complained that McDaniel had a punitive and uncommunicative management style.

McDaniel sought and obtained a hearing after his dismissal. The hearing officer found some justification for firing McDaniel, but said he was dealing with problems, such as low police pay, that may have been beyond his control.


McDaniel said he felt vindicated by the hearing findings, but he did not get his job back, and has since been working with his wife in a real estate office.

San Clemente Peace Officers Assn. president Russ Moore, a detective on the San Clemente force, said he had no comment on McDaniel’s new job.

“We are under strict orders from the police chief not to say anything,” Moore said.

San Clemente Police Chief Albert C. Ehlow, who succeeded McDaniel, could not be reached for comment late Thursday afternoon.


McDaniel said he has been eager to return to police work and will be a candidate for the permanent position of police chief in Pomona. The city is soliciting applications.
