
More Medfly Spraying

I keep myself informed of the latest malathion bombardment schedule so that I can cover my car and keep my body indoors as advised. Recently, I was inside an Arcadia motel when whop, whop, whop came the flotilla. As they dropped their silent load I realized that it was only 9:15 p.m. I looked out of the motel window and noticed that only one other car in the parking lot was covered. My thoughts went to the people who were Christmas shopping at the local mall, and since the stores were closing most of them would be walking to their sticky cars and watching the choppers as the spray covered their faces.

I believe the agricultural folks have a good cause for concern about the flying critters. Nevertheless, do they have to start the bombardment at 9 p.m. during this time of year? And what about the malathion-laced Christmas trees that we take into our homes?


Big Bear Lake
