
DANA POINT : Park District Plans Community Garden

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Construction of a community garden with part of it accessible to the handicapped has been approved by a local park agency.

In an experimental program, the Capistrano Bay Park and Recreation District will set aside two of 52 plots this spring in an undeveloped park site for use by wheelchair-bound residents.

Park officials say they will make the plots more accessible to the handicapped by raising them off the ground. Plans include building earth-filled planter boxes so that wheelchairs can be maneuvered underneath.


“I can’t think of any other community garden in Orange County like it,” said Ward Brady, chairman of the district’s board.

The garden will open this spring at the corner of Ocean Hill Drive and the Street of the Golden Lantern. In addition to the plots for handicapped persons, the district will rent space for $15 and $25 per year, according to size.

The Ocean Hill site was chosen because of its proximity to a large number of apartment buildings in the area, Brady said. “It’s for people who don’t have the land for a garden,” he said.


Interested residents can reserve a plot by contacting the district offices at 34052 Del Obispo St.
