
Term in Lease Agreement Is Questioned


On Dec. 12, the Laguna Beach City Council voted to change the zoning of all mobile home parks in Laguna Beach to “mobile home park zone only.” Also, they put a 70-day moratorium on the rents to give the tenants and owners time to work out the terms of a lease.

The lease that has been offered to us has a covenant that states, “Each tenant is not to engage in activities in opposition to the park owners application for development approvals.” The term “activities” includes a tenant’s participation at a public hearing, study session or other public forum . . . and attendance at meetings or conversations with public officials and the press in which sentiments in opposition to the development approvals are expressed.

My wife and I believe it is more important that we retain our right to be heard publicly concerning the development of the park than that we live in Treasure Island or are forced out by a 20% rent increase if we don’t sign.


The people of Laguna Beach have elected a City Council and a mayor to make decisions concerning development that would be good for the entire community. If the developers can muzzle the opposition to their development, then elected officials will have a difficult time making a decision that is best for the entire city because they have not heard both sides.


Laguna Beach
