
Pair Will Stand Trial in Injury Claim Scheme

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A man and woman accused of operating a phony injury claim scheme that allegedly bilked the Southern California Rapid Transit District out of $205,000 were ordered Wednesday to stand trial.

After a six-day preliminary hearing, Los Angeles Municipal Court Judge Larry Fidler found sufficient evidence to try Michael Flot, 30, of North Hollywood, and Janice Curry, 29, of Glendale. The pair will be arraigned March 15 in Pasadena Superior Court.

Prosecutors contend that Flot solicited friends and relatives to fill out phony injury claim forms. Curry, who worked as a claims examiner for a Glendale firm hired by the RTD to process injury claims, allegedly moved the fraudulent claims through the system. Forty-one fraudulent claims of $5,000 each have been investigated, prosecutors said.
