
Instead of Inside Information, He Just Got Food for Thought

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Irv Noren, former New York Yankee outfielder and now an owner of thoroughbreds, said his favorite racing story is one that Tom Lasorda tells:

“One time, Lasorda went to the track with four of his players and they didn’t know much about the races. They were sitting next to a group of guys at the next table. The other guys were cashing tickets after every race and Lasorda couldn’t pick a winner. So Lasorda told one of his players, ‘The next time one of those guys goes out, you follow him and do exactly what he does.’

“So the player came back 15 minutes later with four roast beef sandwiches and four Pepsis.”


Just asking: Has there ever been anybody who had more nicknames than Ted Williams? Hubert Mizell of the St. Petersburg Times noted that Williams was known as the Kid, the Splendid Splinter, the Thumper and Teddy Ballgame.

Add Williams: Asked by veteran writer Mo Siegel who his favorite president was, Williams said, “Gen. Douglas MacArthur.”

“MacArthur, he wasn’t president,” Siegel chided.

“Well,” Williams snorted, “he damn well should have been.”

Trivia time: What do Clipper forward Danny Manning, Denver center Danny Schayes and Orlando Coach Matt Guokas have in common?


No way: After Loyola Marymount built its lead to 30 points over Michigan Sunday, CBS’s Greg Gumbel said, “Loyola will now try to run off some clock.”

Forget it. Jeff Fryer immediately tried a three-pointer. It was good, of course.

Tit for tat: From Phil Jackman of the Baltimore Evening Sun: “It was interesting what Hank Aaron had to say about today’s baseball players being greedy. The home run king was giving his assessment of the situation shortly after alighting from a shopping network gig where he was pushing autographed baseballs for $40.”

Twenty-five years ago: On March 20, 1965, Gail Goodrich scored 42 points in leading UCLA to a 91-80 victory over Michigan in the NCAA championship game.


Note: One of the Bruin reserves was Rich Levin, who has been in the news lately as the assistant to baseball Commissioner Fay Vincent.

Trivia answer: Their fathers--Ed Manning, Dolph Schayes and Matt Guokas Sr.--all played in the NBA.

Quotebook: Atlanta Falcon Coach Jerry Glanville, told that Dallas Cowboy Coach Jimmy Johnson claims to work 18 hours a day: “That’s impossible. It takes him 12 to comb his hair.”
