
Lucille Gathers, mother of the late Loyola...

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Lucille Gathers, mother of the late Loyola Marymount player, Hank Gathers, said she rooted for Loyola against Nevada Las Vegas Sunday despite misgivings about how officials handled the situation when her son collapsed during a game and died March 4.

“I don’t think they did all they could have done,” she told the Philadelphia Inquirer. “They were just standing around, and nobody was doing anything.

“My sister got to the floor a couple of minutes before I did, when he went down, and when I got there, she was screaming, ‘Do something! Somebody do something!’ And when I got there, I started screaming too. It just seemed like nobody was doing anything. Just standing around.”


Of Loyola’s 131-101 loss in the NCAA West Regional final, she said: “This wouldn’t have happened if Hank had been there. He always gave 200%. Him and Bo (Kimble). It was the Hank and Bo Show.”
