
Vendors Face New Rules and Higher Fees


The Glendale City Council has voted to increase licensing fees and impose new operating restrictions on mobile vendors who sell sandwiches, fruit and other items on city streets.

The council gave preliminary approval Tuesday to an ordinance that will require vending trucks to stay 1,000 feet away from a park or school and limit their sales hours to 6 a.m. to 10 p.m.

In a unanimous vote, the council also approved a resolution increasing the annual mobile vending license fees to $300 per business and $50 per truck. The city now has about 120 licensed mobile vendors who pay $36 annually.


If the new vendor ordinance receives final approval next Tuesday, its rules and the new license fees will take effect 30 days later.

Council members said the new rules are needed because of residents’ complaints that the vendors disrupt their neighborhoods. Business owners have also protested that the mobile vendors divert customers from stores and restaurants that must charge higher prices because of higher operating costs.

“It certainly puts the street vendors on notice,” Councilman Carl W. Raggio said.

The new ordinance increases the time a vendor can remain in one place from 10 minutes to 15. It prohibits a vendor from selling merchandise on private property.

Under the new law, a mobile vendor who violates the Glendale rules twice would face a misdemeanor charge; conviction would result in the loss of the vending license.

Vendors may apply to the city clerk’s office for exemptions from the time limits, park and school distance requirement and the private property rule. Such exemptions may be granted if a vendor has permission to sell to night-school students or workers at a private construction site, city officials said.

City Manager David H. Ramsay said the increased license fees will pay for a new employee who will enforce the tougher rules.
