
COUNTYWIDE : 2 Rail Bidders May Be Out, Roth Says

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Two of the three companies bidding to build the high-speed train system that would link Anaheim and Las Vegas may pull out of the running, county Supervisor Don R. Roth said Tuesday.

Roth made the statement during the monthly meeting of the Newport Foundation for the Study of Major Economic Issues, where he was a guest breakfast speaker. The supervisor serves as the the vice chairman of the California-Nevada Super Speed Ground Transportation Commission.

Later, a spokeswoman for Roth’s office said that all three companies vying for the rail project currently remain in the bidding.


The companies to which Roth referred are the Bombardier Corp. of Canada and Morrison-Knudson Co. of Boise, Ida. Representatives of those firms could not be reached for comment.

The third company, which responded to the commission’s request for proposals, is San Francisco-based Bechtel International Inc.

Bechtel proposes to build the $4-billion project with German technology, which would entail using elevated rails. The other two companies would use French technology, which would call for using existing rails.


The deadline for submitting proposals is July 15.
