
Glendale Schools Adopt Budget of $103.5 Million

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The Glendale Board of Education on Tuesday approved a $103.5-million budget for the coming school year that neither cuts nor adds programs.

Board members were warned by district administrators that large reductions may be necessary the following year if a threatened source of state money dries up.

The budget is 10% higher than the $94 million for 1989-90 and assumes that the state will provide a 3% cost-of-living increase.


The budget includes 7.2% raises for teachers during the last year of a three-year contract. It allows the district to maintain a 3% reserve as mandated by state law.

District officials said they learned Tuesday that Gov. George Deukmejian has proposed giving schools no cost-of-living increase in the coming fiscal year. That wouldn’t affect the 1990-91 budget. But it would force the district to spend its reserves and make cuts of about $4 million in 1991-92, said David Kanthak, assistant superintendent of business services.

“It’s hard to say what’s going to happen next year because we’re not sure what’s going to happen the next day,” Kanthak said. “But we would do what we can to keep any cuts as far away from the classroom as possible.”


Kanthak said the district should know by July 10 how much money it will receive from the state.

The budget includes a $600,000 trim from administrative accounts, such as supplies, Kanthak said. Although it does not call for fewer teachers or reduced school programs, it will not pay for some needed repairs or additional school security guards, he said.

The budget includes $1.8 million to install air conditioning at five elementary schools that are to go on year-round schedules in 1991.
