
GAIN Students, Staff Reply to Article

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The students, teachers and staff of the Oxnard Adult School GAIN Program found several errors in Christopher Reynolds’ article “School of Last Resort” (Ventura County Life, June 28).

It stated that students go to school two days a week for four hours a day. Classes actually meet five days a week for 4 1/2 hours per day.

He spelled Pat Morawsky’s name Pat Marowsky.

His statements regarding the effects of alcoholism and methadone leave the impression that this is a common problem. There are few problems--no more than at any other school. . . .


Our students and staff do not find the title “School of Last Resort” amusing or appropriate.

Before you print another “Last Resort School” article, you should check for the accuracy of your reporter’s story and speak to more than a handful of people.



Morawsky and Noseff are GED instructors at the Oxnard Adult GAIN program. Their letter also pointed out two factual errors, including another misspelled name, that were in a headline and a photo caption and were not the writer’s fault.
