
MEINERS OAKS : New Post Office May Open in September


A new contract post office could be operating in Meiners Oaks as early as mid-September, postal officials announced.

The current station, operating in a television shop, will close Friday when owners Calvin and Caroline Rush move their business to Ventura.

Postal officials in Santa Barbara decided to award a new contract station rather than let the Meiners Oaks operations be absorbed by the Ojai and Oak View post offices, spokeswoman Felice Cook said.


Eugene Howard, regional postmaster, agreed to open bids in two weeks for private businesses interested in picking up the contract, Cook said.

The contract should be awarded in about six weeks, she said.

Caroline Rush, who has collected mail and sold stamps and money orders in Meiners Oaks for five years, said, “It’s basically a community service you are doing for the people. We made a lot of friends, but it takes time away from your business.

“I’m glad they decided to continue it,” Rush said.

“People were very upset around here. It was going to be a terrible inconvenience to a lot of people without a post office.”
