
Hawaiian Gardens : Council Studies Allowing Alcohol at City Facilities

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A decision on whether to allow alcoholic beverages to be served at city facilities was postponed Tuesday night by the Hawaiian Gardens City Council.

A resolution before the council would, if adopted, allow groups renting the Robert E. Lee and Lee Ware activity centers to serve alcohol as long as the renters pay for security officers and provide a $300,000 liability insurance bond.

However, the council has not yet decided whether security would be provided by the Sheriff’s Department or a private security company, said Lt. Henry Villanueva, sheriff’s liaison officer for Hawaiian Gardens.


“The officers used would not be our local officers,” Villanueva said. “We don’t pull a patrolman off the street for a special event.”

“There won’t be any problems if there are the proper safeguards,” said Leonard Chaidez, director of recreation. “I’d like to check out other cities that allow alcohol in their facilities: Do they have any problems?”

The City Council is expected to vote on the resolution at its Oct. 9 meeting.
